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ehrm, after promising to give you some PLR products for free . i decided to pass on this set of articles regarding Ebay marketing,viral marketing,website traffic,Self Improvement,Child care , online dating,Basics of PLR,Web design ,Ezine marketing , computer security .

whew the list is pretty long. please rewrite those articles and make them look like fresh content to the king "google" .

Here's the link : 

enjoy posting dudezzzz!

As i Already promised , im writing all the Advantages of PLR products . The List is as follows :-

1. Maximum Flexibility :- As PLR products Do no bear any Owner or any kind of Copyright , you can do anything using them ! You can edit them, sell them, distribute them, Personally use them.

2. Make Money  :- as i alreay said , you can sell these products and make some money .

3. Free Content :- you can use these PLR articles/videos as content for your websites/blogs . often you need to do around 25% of writing, so that the content looks fresh and is SEO friendly.Saves a lot of time .

4. Affiliate Programs :- You can put in affiliate links in the articles and then distribute so that you get lots of traffic and possibly lots of sales .

5. Cheap :- you can get PLR articles for really small amounts. Don't worry i'll try my best to get them to you for free !

The Best Of all :-

0. Viral Marketing :- The king of all advantages , why i say that see below

► Get loads of traffic , by including your site's URL and distributing them in large masses .
► Gather E-mails using Auto responder , there by making even more money
► Adsense or other ad programs , earn maximum revenue using CPC or CPM ads.
► Affiliate Programs:- earn maximum selling Affiliate products  .

Please Comment !

What is PLR ?

Many people are unaware of what is PLR , PLR stands for Private Label Rights . the abbreviation explains everything. PLR products could be Articles,Music, or videos which were written/taken by somebody and they have been sold or distributed for free to other users and giving them total rights to do everything , like copying,redistributing,Editing or even re-selling Those products. Why would someone give away PLR articles for free? keeping in mind the Extra Bit of hard work and time they spent on it?

Obviously there is a reason , PLR products have been proved to drive in extra bit of traffic and extra bit of sales ! all those advantages of PLR , i'm gonna write in my next post , so please make it sure to re-visit and read them.

Now, what is this blog all about?

Through this blog, I concentrate on providing the best PLR products on the Internet to you !
Maximum efforts would be made to Keep them free . so always check on my site for new Downloads or Updates. To avoid being left , Just Subscribe to my RSS . Thank you!